Our History

Back in 1994, Dr. Carmen Ofelia Ramírez, sociologist and member of Sociological School of Córdoba, observed the inexistence of a central database of media information as a sociological research and analysis center.

On November 11th of 1994, in order to supply that academic need, Hugo F. Tejeda started to design CVAMedios with files of newspapers, as well as radio and TV interviews of the main media of Córdoba.

In 1997, faced with the necessity of genuinely fund the initiative, it is decided to convert the newspaper and periodicals library for the sociological research into a company oriented to audit the media. The Group Roggio was the first client and later would be Aguas Cordobesas, Cámara Argentina de Construcción de Córdoba, Ámbito Financiero, the Goverment of the Province of Córdoba, and more.

CVAMedios Nowadays

Today we record more than 13 millions of digitalized webpages, and more than 40 Terabytes of videos and audios recorded. We make real time reports to local, provincial and national organizations, as well as the main companies of the region.

In CVAMedios we develop services of strategic research to companies, organizations and professionals of diverse disciplines, applied to press and advertising content, by an audit system of exhaustive news monitoring.